Assalamu'alaikum wr. wb. Salam Teman!! Blog ini selalu terbuka untuk kalian, Selamat menikmati ^-^. Welcome Friends!! This site is opened for you all, Enjoy it ^-^. Wassalamu'alaikum wr.wb.

CintaMu dalam hatiku :: Your Love in my Heart
Memenuhinya begitu :: Fills me up

Jadi segala sesuatu :: Become everythings
Yang ku melihat di situ :: That I see there

Kayak sinar Matahari :: Like a Sun Shine
Atas permukaan hati :: On the Heart surfaces

Cinta itu meliputi :: That Love covers...
hatiku sama sekali :: A whole of my heart

Dalam hati tetap malam :: Night in heart
Kacau balau tanpa salam :: Chaotic without salam

Hati muram suram guram :: My Heart is Gloomy, Grim and Hazy
Gelap buta penuh waham :: Dark blind full of suspicion

Terbit sinar surya terang :: Now arise a very bright sun shine
maka tudung waham hilang :: And the veil of suspicion is gone

Tidak terlihat sekarang :: Now it's gone
Selain cahaya merelang :: Only bright shiny light

CintaMu dalam hatiku :: Your Love in My Heart
Memenuhinya begitu :: Fills me up

Syair/Lay: Syekh Fattaah


Ramadhan will come soon...

Have you remember about the story of our beloved Rasulullah (pbuh / saw).

In his khotbah at Friday Prayer in Sya'ban Month, suddenly Rasulullah said "'amin" until three times, although everybody was flustered , but they repeated "amin" like what Rasulullah do.

After pray, friends of Rasul came closer to Rasulullah then asked why he said "amin" before. Then Rasulullah said that when he Khotbah, angel Gabriel (Jibril) came then whispered me. He told me to say "amin" to his du'a.
And the du'a is about:

"O... Allah please neglect the fasting of Muhammad ummah, if before Ramadhan come, they didn't do this things:

  • Ask for their parents forgiveness.... (if they're still alive)
  • Ask for forgiveness between husband and wife...
  • Ask for forgiveness from their relatives and everybody around them..."
And rasulullah said "amin" three times at the du'a.... So... can you imagine the power of that du'a (inshaAllah it's makbul) Thats why, lets ask for everybody forgiveness from now... InshaAllah it's barokah for us, make ukhuwah islamiah more strong and reduce our sins.

"O... Allah please accept our ibadah, and please don't deprive us, Amin....."

Salam Teman

Ada kabar gembira nih, yaitu ada putra bangsa kita (Indonesia) yang telah berhasil menemukan 8 buah Planet baru di sistem Tata Surya kita!!!!!
Hohoho..... Te..O...Pe (TOP) Banget Pokok nya.....
Penasaran???? (pedee...nyaaa).
Ayo lihat langsung!!!

Begini nih ceritanya, jadi di Jerman itu terdapat sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang astronomi, tepatnya bernama Max Planck Institute for Astronomy Germany.
Dan ternyata, disana bekerjalah seorang astronomiawan (apacoba...)Indonesia nan gagah rupawan, berhati mulia, yang senantiasa sopan dan suka menolong sesama, bernama Johny Setiawan.

Setelah penelitiannya selama bertahun-tahun memandangi langit... Akhirnya si kang AstroMan ini berhasil menemukan 8 Buah Planet baru. Wow, Subhanallah hebatnya....

(padahal dari dulu ku juga memandangi langit.
ga menghasilkan apapun ternyata
"Jeritan hati seorang Astroboy yang gagal")

Lalu si kang Astroman ini pun akhirnya memberi nama kepada 3 buah planet yang ditemukannya dengan nama HD 47536c, HD 110014b, dan HD 110014c.

(susah-susah banget ya..,
padahal ku pikir bakal nama-nama Indonesia,
kayak planet Tujimin, planet Saodah atau Planet Sumber Waras,
kan bisa lebih ngangkat nama INA ya Nggak???
,Nggak tuh)

Tapi tunggu dulu, layaknya penamaan unsur kimia ini juga ada aturannya loch, begini nih aturannya:
  • HD, merupakan singkatan dari Henry dan Draper yakni AstroMan juga namun yang nyusun katalog perbintangan AS.
  • Angka-angka, merupakan nomor yang menunjukan suatu posisi di alam semesta.
  • Huruf, merupakan kode dimana 'A' berarti Bintang Induk, 'b' berarti planet 1 dan 'c' berarti planet 2.
Cara Kang AstroMan ini menemukan planet juga ga gampang loh. Jadi dia mulai meneliti planet extrasolar (di luar sistem matahari) yang mengelilingi bintang muda dan evolusi bintang serta stelar atmosfer atau pulsasi dan aktivitas khromosferik. (Apaan nih, ga da ide.... )

Pi kata kang AstroMan sih ga sulit, cuma butuh teropong optik yang dipadu sama sistem komputer. Trus cari deh benda langit yang memancarkan cahaya. Paling, repotnya saat misahin mana Bintang mana Planet pa lagi jaraknya dah ga karuan jauhnya... harusnya sih planet lebih redup. tapi ya tetep susah juga.... Gmana ya??

Ya... Ide intinya sih pokoknya pake spektrograf yang dikombinasikan dengan efek Doppler...

"Bila garis spektrum ke arah biru berarti planet bergerak mendekati posisi pengamatan, bila ke warna merah berarti menjauh," kata Johny.

(Bukannya memang itu teori Efek Doppler ya???)
Ya kira-kira segitu sih dari ku...
Info lebih lanjut, bisa cari makalahnya yang berjudul
"A Culture, Science, and Philosophy for the Humanity dan Search for Life in Other Solar Systems"
Atau bisa cari dimana di TV, Internet, Koran atau apapun. Oke!!!

Tenang aja, kita juga bisa kok.
Sekarang yang kita lakukan adalah...
> Belajar Giat
> Tak lupa Shalat
> Lulus Cum Laude
> And be the Winner !!!

See you in the next Posting!! Salam

Have you ever ask yourself, about how good your university is?

Or even the question 'bout the rank of your university the world? If the answer of that question is: Yes, you have. Then we have thinking the same things . It's an interesting things to be talking about. Why? Yeah.... maybe it's because we can measure the quality of our school and compare it with the others in the universe. Hear that? Universe!!

(Sorry, too excited I guess). Is that great huh? I always dreaming, study abroad. But, don't get me wrong! I just want to test my skill whether I can survive or not and knowing what's the big different between our school and the other... (because I always believe that everyone have the same potential and capability !! even though I'm still doubt about my ability)
But I'm not given up yet!!!
Back to the Topic

Now, how do we know the answer of our question before?
Let see for the answer.....

Here it is
that leads the answer to us..
This site show to us about the ranking of all universities in the world.
They all do these things...
"... This ranking has the largest coverage with more than 16,000 Higher Education Institutions worldwide listed in the Directory. Web presence measures the activity and visibility of the institutions and it is a good indicator of impact and prestige of universities. Rank summarizes the global performance of the University, provides information for candidate students and scholars, and reflects the commitment to the dissemination of scientific knowledge..."
For additional information; this rank was published in July 2008.
Want to know which universities at the top???
Let see together...
This is the Top 10 (why USA only....)

(sorry, the picture is blur)

1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
2. Harvard University
3. Stanford University
4. University of California Berkelley
5. Pennsylvania State University
6. University of Michigan
7. Cornell University
8. University of Minnesota
9. University of Wisconsin Madison
10. University of Texas Austin
There are the Top Ten Universities in the world.
If you want to search for your school click here
After knowing the name, how about seeing the winner....
What is the differences with ours??

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

(not much different, right?)
(But it's already organized well)

Looking this rank didn't make me sad but make more enthusiastic to study harder, make our school more great or even trying to study abroad. Let show to the world that if anybody can do we also can. Because Allah is the Just (al-Adl)

I also want to tell you, that this rank is not tell exactly the truth. Every university is good and we're the winner!!
Now let see my school. It was in 826 rank now.

Institut Teknologi Bandung
(Bandung Institute of Technology)

But for me it's a great school that ever I have ^^,
We won't give up and keep rise 'til be the best!!

Salam all...

How about yours??
Tell us
Lets share.....

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"I can do what they can and they can do what I can. Everybody have the chance even though we're unique. Lets give our Best Shot!!"

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